Product Category

Column Description
Product Category Categories can include agriculture, energy, equity, fixed income, foreign exchange, metal, etc.
Measure P and L
-30% The change in the value of the product category if the underlying price of the positions in the product category decreased by 30%.
-20% The change in the value of the product category if the underlying price of the positions in the product category decreased by 20%.
-10% The change in the value of the product category if the underlying price of the positions in the product category decreased by 10%.
+10% The change in the value of the product category if the underlying price of the positions in the product category increased by 10%.
+20% The change in the value of the product category if the underlying price of the positions in the product category increased by 20%.
+30% The change in the value of the product category if the underlying price of the positions in the product category increased by 30%.